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Our workshops are designed to include progressive elements of program and behavior changes. Before a plan of action is developed one must understand certain guiding principles. An appropriate intervention includes understanding characteristics of participants and considering all dimensions, which include mental, emotional, physical, cultural, and spiritual elements. We then use this knowledge to design, test, and implement intervention strategies. Participants will always be in a variety of health stages, but our goal is to move them along a continuum towards “Action”.




Biometric Screenings & HRA’s

Biometric Screenings & HRAs

Blood Pressure
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Assessments / Tracking / Evaluations
Health Risk Assessments (HRA's) Home


The rising cost of health care likens to an internal bleed. You know you’re bleeding, but you don’t know what is causing it, or where. If you had an internal bleed, the doctor would assess the situation by performing a series of test. The same should be done for a company’s bleed. A company should conduct employee health assessments, as well as assess company medical claims to pinpoint causes of rising healthcare costs, and implement strategies to reduce them.

One strategy that makes sense is employee Health Risk Assessments (HRA’s); they can be done as cheaply as $10 to $20 per employee. This small investment can save thousands of dollars in a company’s future healthcare costs. Once it’s determined what is causing your healthcare cost to rise, we design a plan to reduce and stop rising costs.


Corporate Programs

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Fortitude Health & Wellness, Inc. offers corporations (large, medium and small) a wide variety of services to promote wellness in the workplace.

  • Comprehensive worksite wellness programs and promotions tailored to specific business needs
  • Demonstrate client’s wellness program return on investment (ROI)
  • Implement health promotions and worksite marketing strategies for employee participation



Small Businesses and Corporate Wellness

Why corporate wellness programs for the small business? Corporate wellness programs are an investment in your company’s most important resource, your employees. Studies show that employees are more likely to be on the job and performing well when they are physically and mentally well. Employees are also more likely to appreciate an employer that values them.

In addition to improved productivity, corporate wellness programs have been shown to be an effective tool in slowing the growth of health care costs. Selecting healthier options can reduce an employee’s chances of suffering from illness. Less illness means businesses can lower health plan utilization, thereby lowering health benefit costs, and consequently increasing earnings. Even though health cost savings from corporate wellness programs might be less evident than productivity gains, research demonstrates that medically high-risk employees are medically high-cost employees as they use additional health care and generate higher claims.


Community & Faith-Based Programs
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FORTITUDE HEALTH & WELLNESS Inc. recognizes that unhealthy choices is often a result of unhealthy behavior. We teach individuals how to adopt new lifestyle habits and methods to make these habits part of their everyday life.

FORTITUDE HEALTH & WELLNESS, Inc. helps community and faith-based organizations implement health and wellness solutions. Our services include Health Risk Assessment (HRA’s), biometric screenings, body composition - Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA’s), wellness programs, as well as program outcome and evaluation reports to track success and ROI.

  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA’s) - Nutritional Assessments
  • Biometric Screenings (Blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and BMI)
  • Body Composition
  • Wellness Workshops





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